The Super Organised Kit


Achieve complete kitchen and pantry organisation

With one FridgeCam for your fridge and two for your main food cupboards or pantry, this kit will give you the ultimate organisational control. With it, you can transform your stock-keeping skills by making your fridge and cupboards a whole lot smarter.

The smarter app will send you an image every time you close your fridge or your cupboard door. This way, you'll always know what you have in, even when you're out. And that's not all - the FridgeCam will help you keep your fridge and cupboards organised, track your expiry dates and even automate your shopping lists for a one-click checkout with Tesco and Amazon, smart right? You'll be amazed by how easily FridgeCam fits into your lifestyle.

Easily integrate with Siri, Amazon Alexa and IFTTT to take your Smart Home to the next level.

Included: Three Smarter FridgeCams